Societal and Environmental Prize

RENT Paris Contest 2024
This new award recognizes the most effective action in environmental and/or social matters in the field of real estate in general and private housing.
Societal and Environmental Prize

Important dates

  • Competition closing date: Monday, September the 25th 2024
  • Selection date of the 4 selected finalists in front of the jury: Tuesday, the 8th of October 2024 from 9am to 2pm at Procivis office
  • Presentation date of the 4 finalists who will be broken by the public at a conference: Wednesday, the 6th of November 2024
  • Prize giving date: Wednesday, the 6th of November 2024, during RENT show

Who can compete?

For real estate actors, startups and exhibitors of RENT Paris show.
This new prize will reward the most efficient action on a environmental and/or societal point of view, for the real estate sector and housing sector in particular.

The Jury

The President of the Jury is Yannick Borde, CEO of Procivis.
Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert will also be part of the jury.
fera aussi partie du jury. REN deputy for the 10th district of Isère, Vice-president of the commission for sustainable development and urban development, she has been active on topics related to energy retrofit since her first mandate in 2015. She was appointed, in March 2021, President of the HQE-GBC Alliance, a non-profit association, recognized for its public utility, which brings together building professionals and promotes sustainable construction.

Objective of the Contest

The growing urbanization of metropolises is one of the direct consequences of the industrial revolution that began in the 19th century. Cities are now home to more than 80% of the population in France and are responsible for 67% of greenhouse gas emissions.

Increasingly dense cities, an unbalanced housing supply, an essential ecological transition, a sector where poor housing is still as strong. This is the context in which many players have wished to innovate in order to impact the sector both on the environmental and societal levels.

It is to reward and encourage these companies that Procivis and the RENT Fair have joined forces to create the Prize for societal and environmental impact.

Conduct of the contest


Applying for the competition: 
Candidate companies should submit their presentation file on in the form of a video of less than 1mn30 and a presentation deck. Both must be received before Wednesday the 25th of September, 2024.


Selection of finalists: 
The jury will examine the applications and chose the six finalists who will be invited to the public presentation on Tuesday, the 08th of October 2024.


Public presentation & pitches: 
On Tuesday, the 08th of October, each finalist will pitch for 5 minutes maximum at Procivis and answer questions from the jury who will deliberate at the end of these presentations.


The finalists' pitches:
The announcement of the winner and the award ceremony will take place during RENT show, on November 6.

The jury

Meet our jury!
Benoist Apparu

Benoist Apparu



Eloïse Denis

Eloïse Denis

Directrice Générale Adjointe IDF


Delphine Denuit

Delphine Denuit



Cyril Janin

Cyril Janin

Directeur Général


Jean-Philippe Loir-Mongazon

Jean-Philippe Loir-Mongazon

Maire du Village

by CA Alsace Vosges

Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert

Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert

Ex-Députée et Présidente


Sponsor and partner

logo ORPI


Procivis est un acteur complet de l’habitat, proposant son expertise sur toute la « chaîne du logement » : maison individuelle, promotion, aménagement, logement social, services immobiliers. C'est un réseau coopératif centré sur l’humain. Il réinvestit la totalité de ses bénéfices dans leur développement et dans des missions d’intérêt général : rénovation énergétique, adaptation des logements aux personnes âgées et handicapées, etc. Membre de l’Union Sociale pour l’Habitat (USH), le réseau est très investi au sein du mouvement HLM.

They answer you

Le Journal du Net est le site de référence des cadres en entreprise qui a rassemblé, selon Médiamétrie, 3,4 millions de visiteurs uniques en Septembre 2023. Créé en 1999, il est édité par une société française indépendante, CCM Benchmark Group, qui publie par ailleurs, le premier site d’actualités français, et le Journal des Femmes, 1er magazine féminin en ligne. Il appartient au Groupe Figaro.

Societal and Environmental Prize Procivis

RENT PARIS | 06 & 07 November 2024
Apply now!
Societal and Environmental Prize Procivis
trophée RENT

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