Objective of the Contest
The growing urbanization of metropolises is one of the direct consequences of the industrial revolution that began in the 19th century. Cities are now home to more than 80% of the population in France and are responsible for 67% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Increasingly dense cities, an unbalanced housing supply, an essential ecological transition, a sector where poor housing is still as strong. This is the context in which many players have wished to innovate in order to impact the sector both on the environmental and societal levels.
It is to reward and encourage these companies that Procivis and the RENT Fair have joined forces to create the Prize for societal and environmental impact.
Increasingly dense cities, an unbalanced housing supply, an essential ecological transition, a sector where poor housing is still as strong. This is the context in which many players have wished to innovate in order to impact the sector both on the environmental and societal levels.
It is to reward and encourage these companies that Procivis and the RENT Fair have joined forces to create the Prize for societal and environmental impact.
Conduct of the contest
The jury
Meet our jury!

Benoist Apparu

Eloïse Denis
Directrice Générale Adjointe IDF

Delphine Denuit

Cyril Janin
Directeur Général

Jean-Philippe Loir-Mongazon
Maire du Village
by CA Alsace Vosges

Marjolaine Meynier-Millefert
Ex-Députée et Présidente